Who has touched my life by letting their light shine?
Well, heck, a whole lot of people have
touched my life by letting their light shine.
I really appreciate peoples’ light.
There are so many wonderful, different people. “What e’er thou are, act well thy part.”
Sometimes I need an example to aspire to.
Sometimes I need someone who is right there with me, and knows what I’m
going through. Sometimes I need a
mentor, sometimes a friend, sometimes I need an bad example—or an example of
bad choices. Sometimes I need someone
with a weakness so I can help her/him. Our
Light is Christ, but how we shine that light is in our own way, like Tiffany
lamp shades.
My parents touched my life and taught me by example. My Dad taught patience, kindness, love of
nature, love of people, love of beauty, wisdom, etc. My Mom taught humility, desire to progress,
charity, support for the priesthood, hard work.
I learned from my siblings, my friends, my
teachers. Jennilyn Waters let her light
shine and I saw kindness, loyalty, gentleness.
Jenny Jones and Jaime Rivas let their light shine and I saw
selflessness, tolerance of others, true friendship. Lisa Partin let her light shine, and I saw
testimony, faith, fun, purity, strength of family bonds. Naomi Frandsen let her light shine and I saw
intellect, talents magnified, humility, gregariousness, love. David Cragun let
his light shine and I saw faith, humility, gentlemanliness, talents magnified,
cheerfulness. Eric McArthur let his light shine and I saw contrast, intensity,
passion, drive, weakness and strength.
Through Becky Isom, Romney Clausen, Desi Chandler, Chris Mains, and so
many others, I have seen great light!
Sam Bernards, my husband, has shown me clear thinking,
introspection, emotional stability, loyalty, love, hard work, faith,
self-control and more.
I appreciate seeing strengths and
weaknesses in all these people. Their
personal, unique beauty has touched me and shaped me by revealing the many
glorious works and ways of the Lord. That
they are all so different and each so beautiful is encouraging to me. The Lord can use me. He has given me my unique gifts and
opportunities and weaknesses and personality.
There is need for my light.
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