Friday, September 3, 2010

I missed. . .

September 1st is Isaac's other birthday--in my mind--and I missed it.  It is the anniversary of his getting off the ventilator and beginning a life of breathing on his own, and of our getting to hold him.  It was a miraculous day.  As if in commemoration of it, today, I got some of his medical records in the mail.  I'd requested them in hopes of convincing the Anesthesiologist at Shriners to do his operation there, but that chance is passed.  Nevertheless, the records came today.  A hundred pages at least, and it was really interesting to read back through them and remember how much happened to that sweet little baby.

Now, a year later, my biggest worry was that he was coughing a little and might have a runny nose.  He needs to be totally healthy for surgery in a week and a half, and I am planning on dedicating myself to that purpose as much as possible.  I think I won't take him to the MDO program this week or next, to limit exposure.  And I'm praying for him, and will fast for him, too.  It will be my first time to fast in a very long time (since before he was conceived), and I am looking forward to it.  I have had many experiences with the power of fasting, and it is both physically and spiritually cleansing for me.

 In other news, I had a great day.  The weather has changed, or at least it is vacillating between the 70s and 80s (morning and afternoon) as well as between the 90s and 100s.  Today was the first cool day in a long time.  It was still in the 70s when we went to the park at 11 am, and it was so, so, so wonderful to be outside, in the sun and cool air.  It always seems like such a small, silly thing when people talk about the weather, and yet, it is not small and silly in my world.  So very much is affected by light and dark, sun and rain, hot and cold.  The weather is foundational to our physical experience, half of our soul.

It is 10:30 and I still hear Ethan rustling.  I need to help him settle, and then to bed myself.

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