Thursday, October 21, 2010


Isaac is a trooper.  He has taken some very tough situations in his buoyant stride, and still the comment I get from most of the people who take care of him is "he is a happy baby!"  It is true.  He is.  Thank goodness for that!  His having a happy disposition has oiled the machinery of his life.

Last night we had a little bumpiness in the road as my sweet (uncircumcised) boy has suffered from the hygienic issues caused by not being able to truly bathe in months.  He has gotten an infection in a very tender location, and as I tried to clean it last night and put on medicine, he was in agony.  Probably because of that discomfort, he was up repeatedly last night--every 1/2 hour, it felt like, from 12-3, and then after a solid 3 hours of sleep, he was up for the morning at 6am.  Since I'd gotten to sleep only a short while before he started waking, he had to deal with the double discomfort of the infection and an irritable mom.

He was happy to be awake, though, and his first, bubbly request was for a "ba[ll]!" Isaac LOVES balls, and apparently woke up in happy anticipation of playing with that masterpiece of human invention.  I rounded up the balls for him and let him have at it while I tried to get some more shut-eye (yeah, right.) Isaac loves to play toss, and will play it with or without a partner, (chasing balls is almost as fun as throwing them.) He has developed an impressive arm, too, (for a 14 month old), and when playing with a partner he is amazingly accurate in  his throwing.

So, with the happy image of Isaac throwing balls around the bedroom at 6 am, while tired, grumpy mommy grumbles sleepily, here are some pictures of the little one:

A whole tub full of BALLS!  (At the Magic House in St. Louis.)

Looking forward to a ride in the bike trailer with Dora and Dad.
Another one of Isaac's favorite pass times is playing the piano.  He is fascinated by it and plucks away, sometimes with one finger, sometimes with a fist and sometimes with his whole upper body.
Trying to get Isaac to eat sometimes feels like the bane of my existence.  He will happily throw food, paint with food, spit food, wash his face and hair with food and even share his food with others.  He doesn't eat it, though.

Much to all of our delight, Isaac is also a snuggler.  He loves to snuggle.  When I pick him up, he first gives me a big (real!) hug, which often includes some pats on the back, too.  Then he pulls in his arms and snuggles down into my chest.  It is so, so dear.


  1. You know, Julia, of all of your children, I think that Isaac's eyes are most like your dad's. Do you see that resemblance too?

  2. Naomi, you're totally right! I didn't see it until you mentioned it, but he totally has those awesome, almost triangular eyes :)

  3. Man, those huggy snuggles really ARE the best! Andrew does the same thing when he wakes up and at when he he's not running around like "a monkey" (as he called himself today), and it really is so endearing! I'm glad you have a snuggler! :-)
